
You can send an updated life story as a text file, say 200 or 2000 words, in an email to d@millner.fr. Send images, preferably full resolution, say by Wetransfer.com to d@millner.fr. Images can have captions. Can include social social media links. Should include the email of one younger member of your family, in case you die and we want to find out what happened to you.

By default, the individual résumé pages are un-indexed but not password-protected. Unindexed means that search engines are discouraged from indexing the page. If any individual wants their résumé page password-protected, then we comply.

Résumé texts were initially lifted from William’s PDF of 2019. This symbol “☐” means updated in or after November 2023.

We do not attempt to make résumé pages consistent in form and style.


As far as we know, the following class members have passed away:

Tilak Dhar
Aki Hayashi
Phil Kelly
Esa Korri
Nelson Lopes
Geir Talseth